Chandler Hall’s Joint Commission Accredited Hospice Expertise in Your Home

Chandler Hall is delighted to announce that our Hospice at Home Program is Joint Commission Accredited as well as the recipient of the 2023 Bucks County Official Community Choice Award Winner. We encourage you to call us to see how we can assist your family in your time of need. Speak to our Hospice care team at 267-291-2270 for immediate assistance.

Chandler Hall’s Hospice Services Will Be There With You Through the Journey

Hospice is a philosophy of care for people of all ages in the last stages of a terminal illness. Chandler Hall began one of the area’s first and most comprehensive hospice programs in 1982. We provide holistic, personalized care to patients through our Hospice Program wherever “home” is for your loved one. Common terminal diseases may include cancer, end-stage cardiac disease, chronic pulmonary disease (COPD), Alzheimer’s disease, and neurological disorders. You will receive an interdisciplinary support team to help guide you through this difficult time. Medicare and most insurance cover the cost of Hospice Services.

Hospice does not hasten death. It supports end of life and recognizes dying as a normal process. The Hospice Program is designed for patients with a prognosis of less than six months. They are no longer receiving curative treatment as the goals of care have shifted to comfort and quality of life. Whenever possible, hospice patients stay in the familiar surroundings of their own homes, Hospice services may be provuded in a nursing or residential setting.

Now Available! Dedicated Hospice Rooms in Our Skilled Facility

Who Provides Hospice Care and What Do They Do?

Care is provided by an interdisciplinary team comprised of a medical director, registered nurse, social worker, care manager, home health aide, and volunteers. Services include:

  • Skilled nursing care (24-hour on-call nursing)
  • Pain and other symptom management
  • Medical social services and counseling
  • Spiritual support
  • Hospice aides
  • Chaplains
  • Trained Hospice Volunteers
  • Bereavement Support
  • Medication and equipment as appropriate

Who pays for Hospice Care?

Hospice care at home is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, most commercial and private health insurance plans. Care in medical facilities may have room and board charges. Please contact our staff to verify insurance coverage at Chandler Hall.

Hospice Care Includes the Following Services:

  • Individual Plan of Care
  • Financial Counseling
  • Holistic Model of Care
  • Palliative Therapy
  • Pain & Symptom Management
  • Education in End-of-life issues
  • Assistance with Personal Care
  • Medication Management
  • Counseling for the Patient and Family
  • Volunteer Support to help with Care
  • Spiritual Support
  • Individual Pursuits Supported
  • Bereavement Support
  • Alternative Therapies

Contact Hospice Services from Chandler Hall

Please contact our RN Hospice Liaison for more information about our Hospice Care Program.
You can fill out the form below, call us at (267) 291-2270. Or email us directly using the button below.

Email our RN Hospice Liason

Need Help but Not Sure if it’s Time for Hospice Care? Consider our Joint Commission Certified Community-Based Palliative Care Program

Learn more about our in-home Palliative Care Program, giving you and your family the support you need while receiving care at home.

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