The Benefits of Yoga

If the idea of yoga for seniors sounds a little too “cruchy granola” for you, it is time to rethink that idea. Yoga, especially restorative yoga, can also offer a wide array of health benefits—working physical and psychological wonders. Seniors, who often struggle with pain, joint stress, imbalance, osteoarthritis, and other physical limitations, can benefit from […]

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Creating a Daily Routine

Creating a daily routine is a challenge at any time. But it has never been more challenging than during the time of Covid-19. The very tasks and rituals that at one time provided the anchors for your day are, in many cases, optional and may even feel meaningless. That’s why creating your own personal rituals […]

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How to Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation

This far into the COVID epidemic, many are beginning to recognize that the Coronavirus is not the only challenge to overcome. In a sense, loneliness is an unwelcome by-product of the many steps that we have had to take to help mitigate the spread of the virus. This is especially true for our most vulnerable […]

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