To: Chandler Hall Residents, Families, and Responsible Parties
From: John Whitman, CEO
RE: The end of the national COVID-19 Emergency and the current policy on wearing masks
As you are most likely aware, the official national COVID-19 Emergency came to an end this past week on May 11th. Chandler Hall has carefully reviewed the current COVID-19 situation for Bucks County and will now practice the following mask requirements across
Chandler Hall:
- Masks are no longer required in any community or resident care areas on campus
- If residents in any area on our campus test positive for COVID-19, they will require isolation for 10 days. During those 10 days, staff and visitors in that area will also be required to wear a mask until the isolation period has ended.
Signs will be posted at the entrance of any area if a mask is required. We appreciate your help in following these guidelines, designed to help assure the health and safety of our residents and staff!